Saturday, May 17, 2008

I've had one of those annoying days when I've not really felt I've achieved much.

It started early, when I logged on to the net and chatted with my mum in Spain. I told her about my husband, Ian, being ill and she said I needed to get him checked out. Checking out has taken most of the day and resulted in him being admitted to hospital pending further tests. I'm now at home wondering where all the hours have gone, feeling lost because he's miles away in a hospital with no family around him and feeling frustrated because now all I can do is wait for the next batch of tests and their results.

I've done all I can do. Instead of allowing him to sit at home ill, I've dragged him off to get medical advice and I'm relieved that I haven't been wasting their time. The medics are concerned about his welfare too!

If I think about things sensibly, I've done nearly all I can. He's in good hands at the hospital. He's in better hands in God's care. I haven't done ALL I can do, as I still need to be praying. Praying for Ian, for the medics and the staff who are caring for him and praying for his brother when I phone him.

God holds us all when we go to him. He's our strength, our peace and our protector.

He's our creator and he know better than anyone exactly what is wrong with Ian's body and what is required medically to fix it. But my God is a God of miracles and I'm praying Ian will return from hospital without the need for surgery.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Awesome beauty

I was told the other week that I'm a worshipper. Now, in my eyes, everyone is a worshipper to some extent. In my case I was told that I can look at the beauty of a sunrise and it just causes me to lift my heart in praise and worship.

Well I have to agree! I just love God's awesome creation! The picture on this page was taken one morning as I drove to work. I was stuck behind a bin lorry collecting rubbish and had to stop, so I took out my phone and clicked a couple of pics. (Isn't technology great?)

The beauty of God's creation makes me stop and sing! When I walk on the mountain behind where my mum lives in Spain, I sing praises to God at the top of my voice.

Somewhere in the Bible it says that people cannot help but know God exists. All they have to do is look around at his wonderful creation. (I really must find out the reference and learn it!) To me it's the most obvious reason to believe.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm getting so frustrated!

I'm really being challenged at the moment about living every moment in God's will yet it seems an almost impossible task!

When I'm driving to work, I get frustrated by the drivers who sit close behind me trying to intimidate me into driving faster - and breaking the speed limit. Surely it isn't God's will for me to be frustrated? So I'm not living in his will at those times.

I get annoyed when other people leave my work space a mess for me to return to - I wouldn't leave theirs a mess, so why should they have so little regard for mine? Getting annoyed isn't God's will for my life.

After almost 9 months of no pain, my husband has been suffering a migraine for several days. Now this one is REALLY frustrating me! I know God has healed him. It hurts me to see him suffer, yet I fail to pray with faith for the pain to just miraculously leave his body.

Talking to my son on the way to his life group I mentioned these things. I said I don't believe we should be surprised when God heals, but rather surprised when He doesn't! Could you imagine how surprised Jesus would been if He spoke health in to a life and it didn't happen? And yet we're told we are to do greater things than He did.

I believe we are living in a time when miracles are happening on a daily basis, I'm just not seeing them on a daily basis in my life and I'm getting frustrated!

More than anything, I'm frustrated with myself because I'm not expecting them to happen!