Saturday, April 01, 2006

On the Move

Today, Ian and I have spent most of the morning and afternoon driving around villages looking for somewhere to live. We're now both settled on a particular village and interstingly found that all the properties available there we liked, yet the dozen we found from elsewhere we didn't like!

Sadly we got home too late to take a call from our own estate agents asking if someone could view. Hopefully they are interested enough to try again tomorrow.

It's a difficult time... do you sit at home all day, not daring to go out in case you miss a call? or do you carry on with normal life and hope potential vendors accept you are busy people?

We're hopeful that God has a good home planned and prepared for us and in return there are good people being prepared to take over our present home.

It's an exciting and interesting time! Added to the trial of job hunting...

I can't wait to see what else God has in store for our lives!


Anonymous said...

Hiya Sue
I'm in the process of house hunting too but I don't have anything to sell! Be assured though that when the "right" call comes through you WILL be sitting at home - not anxiously thinking about the phone ringing! And it will be in God's perfect timing. I'm learning quite a lot about these big things in life - that so easily feel as if we should get more worried about them because they seem bigger! But to God they're just as simple as Him leading us to a scripture in the mornings to bless us. I know He'll bless you the same with the house He has for you! See you soon, Alix. x

Sue said...

Thank you Alix

It's so easy to do things the world's way and fret and worry. Trusting in God for his provision is often so hard. BUT.. it's true that he is in control. He's already led us to a totally different area, but the most important thing is knowing that we are in His will.