Sunday, November 02, 2008

Minor Prophets

The other week I was challenged about where I read in the Bible. "Look for the clean pages, the pages that have never been opened."

Now I have many times begun to read the Bible from beginning to end only to give up after a couple of months. I've rarely read as far as Isaiah, and certainly never read the minor prophets! I remember well a series of Bible studies on the book of Amos despite it being over 30 years ago, but the others? I haven't a clue about them.

I'm going to make an effort to read them, starting with the last book of the Old Testament and working forwards. So, hopefully, there will follow a series of thoughts on the minor prophets. They are going to be thoughts, not intellectual study. I won't be looking deeply into meaning, or probably even the history. It's going to be my thoughts about what God is revealing about himself and myself today.

I hope you find them interesting.

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