Sunday, March 12, 2006

God's Peace

I've been having a great time working with Youth with a Mission at the King's Lodge the past couple of months! I would love to stay there and work full time!

At present I'm seeking God for where I should be after March and oddly enough I've been in quite a turmoil about staying at the Lodge. Yet on Saturday morning I woke up at peace!

Peace - because I believe God wants me to do what I don't want to do. I've started looking for jobs and saw a couple that interested me, yet the job that fascinates me the most I'm not motivated to apply for and another position which fascinates me less I feel excited about!

Life is full of questions and direction changes, yet with God's help we can find the right path. His plan for our lives is for our good, yet so often we try to make decisions without him.

Right now I want to live totally for God and that means seeking his good and perfect will for my life even if it's not exactly what I want to do. I want to do it because it's God's will.

My mind keeps coming back to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemene. He had a choice to cut and run or to go through with his Father's will. In reality, because of his love for his Father and his desire only to please him, Jesus had no choice. The same applies for us. If God asks us to do something we don't want to do, surely if we love him and want to obey him, then in reality, we do must do what he wants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats tremendous insight Sue, and has cut straight to a number of issues I'm trying to deal with in my working life too right now. Food for thought and a good deal of prayer too. Thank you Sue, this has blessed me.