Saturday, March 25, 2006

Special Days

Ian and are are off for the weekend to a delightful small hotel in the Cotswolds. Tomorrow will be one year since we became man and wife and we're looking forward to some quality time together.

The past 12 months have seen a lot of changes in both our lives and ourselves. God is doing amazing things and we are both aware of the changes he is doing in our lives.

Sadly, or maybe not, I received a letter today saying I hadn't been short-listed for a job I'd applied for. I'm not really upset, as I believe that I would have received an interview if the job was in God's plan. It just leaves that further time of unknowingness lying around.

But I know that my God is a God of love. Oddly enough, today's verse from Is 66:13 on our calender is:

As a mother comforts her child,
so I will comfort you.
God is my rock and my comforter, not only when I worry, but also when I don't know where I'm going.
Today though, I know where I'm going.... away!!!! yeah!!!!
See you all after my return!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

We missed you this weekend, hope you had a fab time!!

Am at work and don't have your email address with me, but just wanted to say that I will be there on Thursday night. I know Carol probably won't be and Jen definitely will be! Other than that I'm not sure!

Trust you have a brilliant week and I'll see you Thursday. Remember, God has everything in hand and he loves to give us good gifts!!

Anonymous said...

Sue, trust you had a great weekend away and although a little belated, many congrats to you and Ian on your first aniversary, blessings.