Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I've now twice begun reading a book. Both times I haven't got beyond the first chapter. Last time, the time wasn't right. This time, it's because there's a lot to think about.

The book is geared at the busy woman. Life Management for Busy Women by Elizabeth George.

It begins by stressing that if we give time to God, spending time in his word, we will gain more time to accomplish the tasks he sets before us each day.

Three simple steps

1. Give time to God

2. Make it the first thing each morning.

3. Do it early each day.

Our ritual in the morning is for the alarm to go off, and whilst I wake slowly Ian goes off for his shower. After a real struggle to stir this morning I reached for my bible. I have to admit this is the first time for a long time I've reached for it early in the day!

I hadn't a clue where to start, so I asked God and he directed me to Romans 12.

The words I read there have kept me strong today.

I've always found that when I give God the first time of each day, my life seems to fall into place better. Things may go wrong, but by giving God some time to talk to me, I find I am better equipped for the day.

So, for now, it's early time first thing for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you managed to read your Bible on Wednesday morning. Trust you have continued to do so yesterday and today. As you discovered, it really does help!