Monday, May 22, 2006

Another new mission field?

Yesterday we viewed what could be our next new home. It's slightly smaller than our present home but in an area where we believe God is asking us to go.

If our offer is accepted, we then need a buyer for our present property!

God has a lot of changes He is revealing to us at present and it's almost too much to keep up.

I'm just glad He's got everything planned for our good and not to cause us discomfort and pain! Not getting the other jobs left me feeling slightly rejected, but almost immediately came a sense of calm knowing that those were not jobs He had prepared for me.

When we seek God in our decision-making we know all things will work together for good. At times it can still be frustrating and worrying whilst the wait goes on but our Father God tells us not to worry and by leaving things in His hands He will work them out in His time.

I'm so glad I have a hope and a future that is in His hands!

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