Friday, June 23, 2006

Special Day

Today has been a special day. 47 years ago, my mum gave birth to me.

Ian and I have been enjoying the spanish sun and food for the past 5 days and today, after a magnificant 2 hour lunch we returned to mum's.

After a rest (it's amazing how exhausting a big meal can be) we all went down to Mum's pool. Ian and I stood either side of Mum and after 60 years since she became a Christian, mum was finally baptised. It was a special day!

Mum emailed me several months ago to ask if I would baptise her this week and I've been so excited ever since. When I arrived, she hadn't mentioned it since the email but I was determined to do it. I mentioned it to Mum and she suggested today. It appears that her desire hadn't faded. In fact she was excited at the thought that on the day she celebrated giving life to me, I could celebrate bringing her into a new life.

What a fantastic place to be baptised! In your own pool, in the middle of breathtaking spanish beauty!


Anonymous said...

Fantastic, Sue! I was so excited and thrilled to read this post. God's abundand blessings to you all.

Anonymous said...

...oh yes, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue! Fantastic to hear and see pictures of your mum's baptism. No doubt your own return to faith and witness to her has played a part in her recent decision. I wonder who'll you baptise next?!...
David Lyon

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

Happy Birthday, and send my congratulations to your mum.
