Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Donald Miller in his book "Searching for God know's what" talks about communion. And he said he thought the disciples would be a little perplexed to see us sitting around or lining up to take communion and everything being so quiet and somber. He said he thought the disciples would have a huge cup of wine, and a loaf of bread and sit around and tell Jesus stories.

I thought about that for weeks. We do a once a month service called Encounter and we always take communion and like you, I am always looking for a way to make it fresh and different. This week we had loaves of bread... a lot of bread... and we had big cups of juice... and we sat around and we ate and we remembered Jesus, and we told our Jesus stories. We laughed, we cried, we celebrated. It was an awesome night.

I've copied this from the evotional site I like to peruse. It's a comment made by another reader after reading the blog from October 9th - Communion Tin.

The first thing that hit me was the thought of how the disciples possibly "remembered Jesus" when they took the bread and wine. Were they probably just sitting around sharing a meal and someone suddenly broke the bread and said "remember when Jesus did this? Remember he told us to remember him?"

Did they just sit back and quietly contemplate his death and the new meaning it had brought to their lives? or did they sit and share stories about the things they'd experienced whilst he was with them?

"Remember that day on the hillside when he'd talked for hours and then we realised how hungry everyone was? Remember he told us to share out that little boy's loaves and fish! Boy how stupid we felt! One crumb or two sir?"

"Remember when he sent us, I mean us!!! fishermen!, to go and heal the sick! Go on , admit it. Did you really think you could? But when we took that first step, Wow!! the impact! Not just on the healed, but on us! When we realised the power he had shared with us! I just thrill every time I think of what he does through me!"

"Remember the time when life felt it had fallen apart? Then we realised that he was in control. That he cared so much for us that he had suffered for us. He wants us to remember him, not because he wants us to be sad but because he wants us to know his intimate love!"

It thrills me to think that Jesus didn't just die for my sins! He died to bring me into a place where I could stand in awe and worship the most holy God. Where everyday of my life I can come into his presence and enjoy being with him.

I just want to celebrate the life I have now because of what Jesus has done for me! I want to remember all the amazing things he has done since I gave my life to him!

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