Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Return of the Prodigal!

This week my daughter asked if she could join us at church with a friend tonight. She's made friend's with a christian youth worker and together they came with us to the church my youngest son attends on a Sunday evening.

It's been many years since Laura has attended church and although she sat quietly throughout and didn't participate, she afterwards remarked to another friend that she will be coming again - because she knows she needs to!

God is at work in this house. Laura still has a long way to come, but it's good to see she is beginning to recognise the need for God in her life.

Often we give up on our kids, our friends, or even our spouses and parents. But God is at work. This morning I was reminded that God knows my burdens. He knows the people I have a burden for and that he has a burden for them to. I need to hand them over to God and trust him.

Part of tonight's message was that God has a plan for our lives, we need to be patient and let him see it through! Often we look at the situation and try to hurry things up. If we try to take control, to fulfil God's plan before his time, then things are likely to go wrong. In God's time, things work!

Fully Rely On God! That's what we need to do in every aspect of our life! That's what we need to do with all the people we have a burden for! Rely on God to see them through.

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