Friday, January 27, 2006

Phrophecy or predicting the future?

Rob has returned from France 3 months early. I knew he would be home before the end of his expected time of April but this is because I know my son and I didn't really expect him to last 5 months.

This wasn't a prophetic knowledge, it was just a prediction. I can't see into the future.

Some people are debating the possible sainthood of Judas Iscariot saying it wasn't his fault he betrayed Jesus because there were several prophesies and Jesus himself said that one of the 12 would betray him.

We need to remember that God is outside of time. He existed before time and will exist after time. Our days, years and months are not boundaries for God. Jesus knew Judas would betray him because he had seen in happen. He wasn't making a prediction about something, he was stating a fact of something he had witnessed.

When God gives a prophetic word we need to hold on to the truth of the statement because it will happen, God has already witnessed it. This should give us a security and strength as we go about our lives.

God will fulfill his promises to us. He is unable to lie.

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