Sunday, June 03, 2007

New decision

I've decided to use my blog to help me to do something I've been meaning to do for years.

Each Sunday I conscientiously take notes in the meeting. I then close my notebook and never refer to them again. I've been prompted many times to make use of the notes during the week for my quiet times. Another rare thing!

Having also been prompted to return to blogging, I've decided to combine all three. I'll use my notes to meditate on during a quiet time of study and reflection and then I'll log my notes in the blog.

Now this becomes a scary thing to publish! Blogging will become my record and anyone who reads it regularly can challenge me about my times of reflection (or lack of them..).

I will add that they will be personal to me, that is that they will be a logging of what I believe the Holy Spirit is saying to me. They will not be comments which are applicable to everyone, but a personal logging of thoughts concerning my life and faith.

We'll see what follows....

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