Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Servant Heart

I did a couple of VERY small favours for a friend and colleague yesterday and it got us talking about serving.

I remembered a previous colleague who had done a favour for someone. She had the attitude that now "he owes me." I remember thinking what a sad way to live. Only doing things for others because then you can get something in return.

The example Jesus set us is to be a servant. I love being able to do small things for others. I love helping others at work because it helps to relieve their stressful times. I never do it with an attitude of "now they owe me".

Yesterday my friend said that God will bless me because I have blessed others. Satan whispers in my ear - "so you're only doing things for others to get God's blessings! You're as bad as the others!"

No! I love to serve! It's what I've been created for and when I'm fulfilling my purpose there is a peace and a joy which far outweighs any "pay back" friends or colleagues can offer.

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