Monday, August 29, 2005

It's so unfair!

Once again life it throwing stuff at me that I don't want! I could get so cross!!!

I went to visit a friend the other day and as soon as I sat down I began to cry! I didn't even know why. Thankfully she said that because I am a woman I'm allowed to cry, so she passed me the tissues. Odd how quickly the tears stopped!

We then sat and talked about what was bothering me and then I went on to say it's been a long time since I'd read any of Psalm 119 which we'd been studying individually so we could share when we met. (Does that make sense??)

The last thing I'd written was about 5 weeks earlier! from Psalm 119 v 103.

How sweet are your words to my taste,
Sweeter than honey to my mouth.
God's word gives us strength like sugar. The sweetness of God's word wil always soother our worries and life our spirit but we must take in God's word if it is to have effect. Receiving a box of chocolates is a great gift but if we are to gain the benefit of the sugar boost from them we need to eat them! Leaving God's word on our bedside table will not lift us! Taking it in, digesting it, is what we need to see us through our lives!

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