Monday, August 01, 2005

warmer today

Last night we went to the local village and watched as they had their final fiesta night with a procession. Everyone was throwing sweets and giving away drinks. After the procession we went to a local bar and enjoyed some good spanish food!

The whole way of life over here is so different to the UK. It's so hard not to feel guilty about sleeping during the day, but it's the only way if you are to enjoy the colour and noise and I have to add, the friendliness, of the fiestas!

Today we've had a relaxing day at home, but this evening we have yet ANOTHER night out celebrating a couple's ruby wedding. Another late night with lots of excellent food!

So far today we've relaxed by the pool for a couple of hours and although it is cloudy I can still feel the sun beating down and changing the colour of my skin.

I'm thanking God for the clouds! The day we arrived the heat was unbearable for me, but with the clouds I am coping with the heat - just!

Try not to envy me here in Spain! heehee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just can't beat those friendly Fords ;-) Glad you're having a good time