Wednesday, February 01, 2006

New Job Description

Today I have been repeatedly introduced as "Sue, our new part-time, temporary receptionist". Everyone was really pleased! The role has been filled by staff and students on a rota basis for a long time and they were all pleased to know that for 3 days a week they will be relieved of the task.

I'm looking forward to being out of the house and meeting new people. I'm looking forward to being with like minded people. I'm looking forward to being where God has placed me, even if only for a short while. I'm looking forward to doing a job where I am appreciated.

It may only be part time, it may only be temporary but the job I'm doing is a vital part of any company and although a lot of admin staff view reception work as menial, it's important and it's always been one I love doing. Often for no other reason than it is a job who's most important task is to smile.


Anonymous said...

Keep smiling, Sue.
All the best for your new job.

Anonymous said...

The first smile is always the best smile... and yours will be the first visitors will see!
Best smile forward, Sue!

Anonymous said...

It's good to see you back blogging again! I'm pleased that you're enjoying the job & serving God and blessing a worthwhile cause at the same time.