Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Back to school

Today, Laura goes to college. She's been working for 2 years now and has decided her life is going nowhere. So now she's taking the big step of going back full-time to study.

She's so nervous and insecure about what she's doing that she's coming up with lots of excuses not to go in. Even down to :My feet hurt!!! So we've put on elastoplasts and given them a kiss (not really!!!) and she's getting herself ready for her big day.

It's amazing how after a short time away from study, we can get so nervous about returning to it! I think of all the students we teach at school who are in the opposite boat and are nervous that they are out in the big world and have left the security of school life behind.

It seems that no matter what stage of our life we are in, change is always a scary thing! Insecurity can often ovewhelm us!

I'm glad I've got Jesus! He's there everyday. Before work yesterday I prayed for guidance and strength and also wisdom to know when I'd gone wrong! I spent most of the day getting wisdom! Oh boy what a day!

But I'm glad I had the Holy Spirit beside me all day! He held me and upheld me through all the things that confronted me and at no time, when I went wrong did he do anything other than nudge me into a realisation of my mistake.

Insecurity? No! Security! I'm held fast in loving arms!

Thank you Father!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!