Sunday, September 25, 2005

Prepare Your Mind!

1 peter 1 13 - 16 tell us to prepare our minds and be self-controlled.

Last night I was watching The Bourne Supremecy with my son. He'd seen the first film but I hadn't, so I was a bit lost about some of what was happening. The lead man was acting on instinct. He had been well trained, his mind had been prepared to succeed in the tasks set before him. Sadly, (and I don't know how as it was in the first film) he was suffering from limited amnesia and there was a lot in his past which he was incapable of remembering. This meant that although his mind was prepared, he was often mixed up and confused. He didn't know what or why he was reacting the way he was.

Peter calls on us to prepare our minds. We are still living on earth and unless our minds are fully prepared, we are more likely to react in an earthly way instead of a godly way. We need to keep our minds fixed on the things of heaven. We serve a holy God and we cannot expect to come into his presence unless we ourselves are holy.

Peter calls us to be holy in all we do. Unless we prepare our minds for action by reading God's word, by chatting to him, talking to him, and above all, by listening to him, we will not be prepared for the tasks he sets for us.

Time for a bit of honesty? The past couple of days I've slotted in a quick read of my bible at the end of the day when my eyes are tired. Friday I didn't even make that much time! The days when I get up and the first thing I read is God's word, those are the days I know I am prepared for my day ahead. I've often in the past done my quiet time at the end of the day, but I'm finding I am so much more prepared for life when I read in the morning.

Think about it... how often does a general plan his attack at the end of the battle?

Our times with God are our times of preparation! We need to prepare our minds in order than we can face each day. We need to spend time with God in the morning, not in the evening. Don't get me wrong, added time in the evening is excellent. We must get our minds prepared in the morning. Our final thoughts of the day can be a time of reflection and praise but our early morning time is a time to focus and prepare. Just like Jesus did every morning.

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