Tuesday, September 13, 2005

On eagle's wings

I'm absolutely shattered! 5 days back at school and all I want to do is sleep!

Yet I not only do a worthwhile job, it's also the most satisfying I have ever done.

Seeing children learn, seeing them achieve makes my spirit soar!

I wonder if it's the same with God. He must have the biggest classroom ever and the Holy Spirit is the most patient teacher. How many times have I been taught the same lesson? How many times am I reprimanded for not following the class rules? How patient is my teacher?

Since Bible week I feel I'm getting to know the Holy Spirit in a totally different way. He's always been the slightly mysterious part of the trinity. I'm now finding I'm talking to him more easily, asking for his help and guidance, for wisdom and comfort.

I worship a God who loves me so much, he sent his son to die in payment for the many things I have done wrong and the many things I am yet to do wrong. But not only does my God forgive my sin, he has also sent a helper to work alongside me. Jesus was the greatest example of how to live life on earth. As Matthew Ling explained on Sunday (yes I made it to church!) Jesus lived on earth as a man not as God. He experienced all the emotions and pains that we experience. Yet through it all, he remained in control because each day he began by drawing on the strength of the Holy Spirit. If Jesus needed to power of the Holy Spirit in his daily life, then how much more do I need him?

At this present time I am physically and mentally tired. Yet I know that if I keep my mind fixed on God then I will have the strength to carry out his plan for my life.

For tonight though, I don't feel my mind is working and this is probably very waffly. So I will close for today and leave myself to ponder on the growing relationship I have with the Holy Spirit and also to accept my need to develop this relationship further if I am to achieve God's will for my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep drawing on the Holy Spirit. He is our helper. Glad to hear that you are finding this to be true.