Friday, September 16, 2005

Healing Spirit

I dragged myself to cell group last night, exhausted and needing sleep. My head was hurting, I had a numb arm and I really just wanted to be in bed.

We talked about being a citizen of God's kingdom and humility. We prayed for two people who have been suffering long term migraines. I just stood by and prayed quietly in tongues for most of the time.

By the end of the meeting, my numb arm was feeling lots better, my own headache was fading. I fell into bed grateful for the sleep to come.

This morning I awoke to a pain free head and an arm which is not misbehaving! God heals our sickness even when we don't directly ask for healing. His Holy Spirit ministered to me during the time of prayer.

Being amongst God's family allows us to draw on the strength of others. The love and caring of this particular group of people always gives me strength and encouragement and no matter how tired I am, I always make the effort to meet with them. I am blessed with incredibly sensitive leaders. They are sensitive to the nudging of the Holy Spirit allowing them to be aware of when we need support. I know last night I received a quiet reassuring and encouraging word from one of them which lifted yet relaxed me allowing me to benefit from the sleep I needed. This particular person needed rest as much as I did, yet in her humility and love for others she offered me the words I needed to bless me.

I am so fortunate that God has placed me amongst such loyal citizens of heaven. People who lead through example.

I pray today that I may be sensitive to your Spirit and not senseless and selfish, full of the "Poor Old Me" attitude that is so prevalent in today's world.
I am NOT of this world! I am a citizen of heaven! Help me to live according to your will today!
Thank you for the wonderful new world in which I live. Thank you I am a new creation and able to draw on your power as I seek to live my life for you.

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