Wednesday, September 07, 2005

What a scary creature!

Today I've spent over 3 hours, shut in a classroom with 29 quivering year 7s.

They sat quietly whilst I talked to them about the school's expectations.

They did everything they were asked to do, first time.

It was bliss after the form I had last year!

On the way down to assembly, I commented to another teacher about how well-behaved and quiet they were. She replied "well you are pretty scary Sue."

Later, whilst chatting to one of my form I discovered he knew plenty of boys already at the school. The names he mentioned are the ones we hear on a daily basis, which generally means for bad reasons! They'd been telling him about me! The comments?

She's scary! BUT she's a nice lady!

I'm chuffed! I guess if the kids think I'm scary but nice, then they must have some respect for me. I have a job to do, which is to not only educate these children to pass exams, but to also prepare them for life.

Rights and responsibilities are extremely important in lessons.

Every child has a right to an education. Every child has a right to expect their lessons to be well planned and well presented.

Every child must take responsibility for their own actions! Often children complain that it's the teacher's fault that they never learn. Occassionally it is! Sadly, in many cases, a poor learning environment is down to just a very small minority who believe it is their right to play up and have fun instead of allowing the others to gain their right to an education.

I may be scary, but generally the scariness goes when the group have accepted and learned their responsibilities in the classroom.

I love my job! I love seeing children suddenly grasp an idea and begin to understand something which has previously always been just out of their mind's reach.

Most of all, I love seeing troublesome children learn the skills required to achieve their potential without the need to constantly disrupt.

I am so glad God has placed me in such a fulfilling career!

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