Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I'm a sinner

That's something I confessed when I became a christian. It's something I admit to now and again. But in the small hours of the morning, it really hit me how in just one aspect of my life I sin big time!

I've got a large form of 29 kids. Most are ok kids. One is small, uses puppy-dog eyes to look at me. He's quiet in form and in maths and also hard-working. Yet this child I see is not the child others see! In most other lessons he is silly, misbehaving and a nuisance! He often back-chats the teachers and over the last 2 days has had fights three times with other members of the form during a lesson. He has also been reported by prefects for spitting at them and swearing at them when he got told to stop! I had a chat to him yesterday because I want to get to the bottom of why he acts like this. To me, he's a nice kid. I want to help mold his character.

I have another boy in my form. He lies, he stabs girls with pins, he is incapable of speaking the truth to anyone. He has previously accused a teacher of sexual harassment. We have been warned never to be alone with him. I confess that when he's around, my flesh crawls.

In the middle of the night, I was lying awake. I decided to pray for the first boy. I'm concerned for him. I asked the Holy Spirit to give me wisdom and guidance. I added "give me wisdom to deal with the others too". Hasty words! God's Holy Spirit inside me told me to love them!

Ok, I love them. No I don't!!! Most of my form I just have ok feelings towards. A couple, like lad number 2, I really can't be bothered with! The first, I really want to help!

God's word tells me I need to love everyone as God loves them. When I fail to do God's will, I don't just fail to do his will. I sin!

Everytime I don't show God's love to another human being, I'm not being disobedient, I'm sinning!

I have never before realised the immensity of just failing on this one thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't be condemned, the holy spirit has convicted you and God knows our hearts and knows that all you want to do is please Him. Stick with it and you will break thru these feelings as His spirit strenghtens and encourages us to His will. Blessings