Sunday, November 27, 2005

It's been a long time

I've not been feeling too hot the past few days... I guess it shows by the lack of blogging.

Anyway, the great thing is... no matter how bad I feel, God's love for me never cools.

One of the best things about being married is that I now have someone to talk to when I feel low. Someone who will encourage me and stand by me. Now I know I always have God, (even hubby has to go to work and isn't around ALL day!) but somehow, it's more difficult to avoid talking to Ian, or answering his questions.

I don't want to turn a deaf ear to God, but it can be so easy sometimes. Now don't get me wrong, I havent been walking away from him, I just havent been making the effort to give him quality time. I still wake in the night singing his praise. I still love him more than anything else. I've just been too wrapped up in my worries to walk close beside him.

Worship this morning put that right. The opportunity to hand everything over to him. In the past I've said "here Lord, take it all" without actually being specific. This morning I was specific. I named several worries, handing each one individually over to him and receiving the peace which comes from knowing that Father is taking control. This doesn't mean life will become suddenly far less troublesome, just that by placing these things in his hands I have the ability to overcome.

I just cannot get over the fact that I worship an awesome creator God who loves me so much that he sent his Son to die for me. I cannot get over the fact that Jesus loves his Father so much that he lived only to obey him. That Jesus loves me so much that he was willing to live here on earth to give me a demonstration of how to live. I cannot get over the fact that the Holy Spirit is my personal survival kit! He is everything I need to cope with this life. My power and strength, my guide and counsellor, my friend and comforter.

I stand in awe of a mighty God who created me.

I cannot help but praise him, I cannot help but love him!

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