Tuesday, November 08, 2005

When I wake up in the morning...

I think of you.

I may not be the best at reading my bible every day. I may not be the best at praying. But these days, put me with a crowd of worshippers and I'm lost. Lost in wonder, lost in awe. I cannot help but praise the Holy God who created this world.

I wake in the morning and I'm singing his praises. The busyness of the day envelops me and my singing gets lost amongst the thoughts and pace of what's going on around me. But in reality, it isn't really lost, it's just drowned out by the noise. When I quickly still my mind, the songs are still there.

On Sunday, a problem at home almost caused me to miss getting to church. As the time approached for us to need to leave, my heart was crying out in pain at the thought of not being amongst God's people worshipping him. I was struck by the strength of my emotions. I really wanted to be there! I desired more than anything else to be with God's people worshipping him! As it was, we made it, only a couple of minutes late. The meeting ran to a different format but the worship was amazing. I needed no warming up, I just walked straight in, raised my arms and let my soul sing to my redeemer, my creator, my comforter.

I just want to praise God every minute of every day. I need to learn the skill of not allowing that voice of praise to be drowned out whilst I go about my every day life. My soul's song needs to be heard (by me) through everything I do. Then others will see God's glory through the life I lead.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How true and closely I can relate to this. I admire your open honesty... just keep listening to that quiet voice in your heart and the praise will break thru... no matter what is happening around or to you. This is how I've found it to be when I struggle with the worlds distractions.