Saturday, July 09, 2005

Be controversial!!

I just want to say, to anyone who would like to pass an comment, good or otherwise, about anything I've written...

Just go ahead! Be anonymous if you wish, but let's get some conversation going and challenge the cobwebs in our minds!

A few years back I was studying an Open University course about Small Talk. The course was called Object Orientated Programming. I hadn't a clue what it was about and in the forums people kept talking about OOP. I thought they were discussing their mistakes...

One day I sent in a posting asking what OOP was! Imagine my embarassment when it was pointed out that OOP was the abbreviation for the type of programming I was learning!! I was SO glad there were miles of land and Internet connections between myself and my fellow students!

A week later I received an email from a fellow student thanking me for asking the question. He too was new to programming and was getting bogged down by the technical jargon. Like me, he had found it impossible to see the obvious.

I learned a big lesson during that course... never be afraid to ask a question. There are probably others out there wondering exactly the same and not having the courage to ask.

So if you feel you want to pass a comment, disagree, agree, encourage or rebuke, please feel free. I'm open to constructive criticism as I know I have a lot to learn.

Let's join together to discuss this life God has so richly blessed us with!

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