Saturday, July 02, 2005

Creation Day

Today I've got costumes to make for the school play.

In my usual style, I've left everything late. So this weekend I need to sew and sew. I have other things I need to do too, but this weekend it's sewing that must take priority.

I know the costumes will be good, but I'm putting a lot of stress on the drama teacher with my laise faire attitude (as my mum calls it). Apart from a negative attitude as a failing, my other greatest failing is leaving things to the last minute. I know I'll get the job done, and generally to a good standard (if it's one of my skills) but am I being fair to others?

I'm being encouraged to bless others. Using my skills as a seamstress will bless the drama production, but I need to sit back and think about my attitude to HOW I use my skills. They are to BLESS not STRESS the production!
I've just spent a few minutes looking on the BibleGateway website for God's word on work and Proverbs looks like a good place for me to sit and study God's wisdom about our attitude to work. I'll let you know what I find....

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