Monday, July 11, 2005

A good day

Psalm 119: 96 states:
I see the limits to everything human,
but the horizons can't contain your commands.
How often do we limit God? I know I do! I've been stuck with the thought that this is as good as I get... I'll forever contain all my faults.
But God's word states in Phil 1:6:
that he who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
God is never going to stop working on me. I am NOT too difficult a task for him to solve! In fact, who am I that I consider myself too big a problem for God?? What a cheek I have!
God will complete all he has promised in me. Not only that, but whatever MY interpretation of perfection is, it has a limit. Provision, joy, healing. Everything blessing God has in store for me is not limited by my vision. God's plan is measureless, limitless, prefection beyond any perfection I could imagine! His plans for me are more than I could ever imagine. His patience with me is more than I could ever deserve.
Thank God that his provision is not limited by my faith or anything else I can imagine or desire.
My God WILL complete his work in me.
My God WILL provide immeasurably more than I can imagine.
My God will surround me with a love so overwhelming I could never fully appreciate it's power or strength.
My God is MY God and I will praise his name!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Sue. I was encouraged by your blog today (although it was Monday's .... I'm running 2 days behind!). And I believe all that you have said for yourself and I believe it for me too!