Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Sometimes when I struggle in life,
I remember - God created me.
Sometimes when I condemn myself,
I remember - God created me.
Sometimes when I think I fail,
I remember He who died for me.

Then I need to remember that
It is Christ who lives in me.
I cannot condemn my Saviour King
I owe Him everything
I cannot lay blame at Jesus my Lord,
If I believe in His word.
My life is complete, through all that I know
Of my awesome, Father God.
So now I will praise and sing for joy
For his wonderful creation - ME!

I had a tough day at school yesterday. Period 1 got off to a bad start and it was hard to get a grip afterwards. The comforting thing is that most other teachers struggled with the students yesterday. So I wasn't alone. Unfortunately, I was the first teacher to experience the volatile anger of a new student. He stood up in anger and towered over me and I thought "gulp - shouldnt have challenged him!" Somehow I just went into automatic and stood quietly before him. He swore, threw books across the desk and stormed out of the room kicking and hitting anything he passed. The whole class were shaken by his sudden change and it took me 10 minutes to get them back on task.

At lunchtime I found him in the canteen and calmly walked up to him. Quietly explaining my rules for the classroom we came to an understanding that next lesson is a new start. How can I hold a grudge against him, when God never holds one?

Not only am I God's creation, but Christ lives in me. I am a child of the living God, I am filled with His Holy Spirit and have been given everything I need to accomplish the tasks set before me.

My job is not to condemn these young lives, but to set an example of forgiveness and love. It's a tough job - but somebody has to do it! I'm so glad I have Christ to help me in the task he has set before me and he hasnt just left me to do the job alone!

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