Friday, July 01, 2005

Coffee and Cake

Last night, Jacqueline and I met for a time of sharing on part of Psalm 119. We drove out to the new Borders (book and media shop) and sat in Starbucks (ooh all this advertising!! am I on commission???).

Mmmm white chocolate and strawberry muffins!!!

We chatted about what we'd learned and life in general for 1 1/2 hours! I was surprised when the announcement came over the tannoy that it was 9.30!

So after 64 verses of Psalm 119, what have we learned?

The psalmist loves God's word. He longs for it day and night, delights in God's laws. Knowing God brings him security, preserves his days, brings joy, peace and blessings.

72 Your law is more valuable to me
than millions in gold and silver!
Is that true in your life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a great evening Sue - very encouraging and challenging to share God's word (especially over lovely hot chocolate .. now I'm advertising!)

Let's keep reminding each other how important it is to ponder on God's word and think about it and allow it to affect our lives on a daily basis.