Sunday, July 03, 2005

Church in the Park

Today we were able to have a lie in.. Church was in the park (at 2pm not 10.0am)... the sun shone...hundreds enjoyed the afternoon.

Tomorrow I'll have a lobster arm!!! I sat with my left side to the sun and am now feeling very warm along my left arm! When we left home, the sun didn't seem that strong, and the forecast wasn't that great. We went unprepared.

How often do we go about our lives unprepared for what may happen?

Now I know that we can't be prepared for every eventuality, but there are some things we can easily prepare for. In the UK, that means that if there's an event in the park, an umbrella would be advisable if the forecast says sun, and sun cream if the forecast says rain. Today I was only prepared for a warm day, no waterproof, or umbrella, no sun cream.

Nevermind.. we all had a fantastic day, great company, great fun and a barbecue afterwards at a friend's house.

Church was different today!

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